Ghost Pillow Giveaway

Ghost Pillow Giveaway

by Si

ghost pillow giveaway

Thinking of changing your pillow and trying a new one? Instead of buying one, why not enter our Ghost Pillow US Giveaway and have a chance of winning 2 Ghost Pillows worth $170 combined. 

The Ghost Pillow is a very cool and comfortable pillow, with Patent Pending cooling sleep technology, the Ghost Pillow is ideal for hot sleepers. The Ghost pillow also provides great head support and an immediate cool burst.

Ghost Pillow Giveaway

Enter our giveaway using the Gleam widget below above.

Giveaway Details

  • Entry – enter through the above Gleam widget. There are a few ways to enter, the more you enter, the more chances you have of winning. Only entries verified through Gleam widget will be counted. This giveaway is only available for residents in the US.
  • Duration – our giveaway is running from 22nd June 2019 and ends on 21st July 2019
  • Prize – we will be giving away two (2) Ghost Standard Size Pillows
  • Eligibility – to enter our giveaway, you must be resident of the United States and at least 18 years of age
  • Winner – the winner will be randomly selected based on the total collected entries through Gleam. One (1) winner will be randomly selected within 72 hours of the giveaway finishing. We will then contact the winner via the email addresses supplied when entering the giveaway. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond to our email and accept their prize. Unfortunately if the winner does not respond within 72 hours period, then a new winner will be selected randomly. The winner must also provide a valid US postal address in order to claim their prize. Lastly the prize will be delivered to the winner via Amazon and their delivery service or from The GhostBed website.

If you don’t win this time round, don’t worry we will be running more giveaways in the future. So please follow us on social media for the latest giveaways.

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  1. This would be fantastic to win! I sleep with a fan on me at night and still get night sweats due to menopause and an autoimmune disease. Thank you!

  2. Not only do we get great info to help understand the new world of mattresses and pillows but we get regular giveaways as well! Thanks!

  3. I usually wake up and I have to keep turning the pillows so I stay cool. These pillows sound so amazing and would be so perfect for me….

  4. Would love to win this wonderful pillow giveaway, our pillows are in horrible shape and these look amazing, thanks!

  5. This is wonderful!!! And it is two pillows!! That would look much better on the bed having two of the same pillows! So awesome!

  6. These look great! The fact that they stay cool would be wonderful, I cant stand being to hot when I sleep

  7. I have one of these Ghost Pillows and I would love to have a couple more. I used feathered pillows up until I was 53 years old and that was when I got my Ghost pillow. Awesome product.

  8. I would love to win these pillows? I get really hot when I’m sleeping and I always wake up sweaty. My current pillows are awful and I have a hard time trying to get comfortable with them, but they were expensive, so I keep them. These sound so fabulous! It would be great to have pillows that are comfortable and keep me cool!

  9. Maybe if the sweep gods wake up and pick me, I can see if the ghost pillow will have me hiding in dreams more

  10. These pillows sound great! It’s really miserable to try and sleep when you can’t cool off on your pillow.

  11. These sound like amazing pillows! I’m such a pillow hog so this sounds like a really good pillow for me and yes, I do wake up really bad back ache so this sounds like a product that I would love to win!

  12. A pillow like this would definitely help get a good night sleep. I have flat deflated looking pillows and they do nothing for my neck or being comfortable at night.

  13. These Ghost Pillows are what I’ve been looking for for so long! I am a hot sleeper and I’m constantly flipping my pillow over throughout the night looking for the “cool” spot. Crossing my fingers (and my toes)!

  14. I would love to try this cooling pillow. As a hot sleeper, I think it would really help. Thanks for the chance

  15. I have always wanted to try these amazing pillows out!!! They are the answer to me being able to finally sleep. Saving up now because I have heard nothing but great things about these pillows. Fingers crossed!

  16. We are needing to replace our pillows soon, and the Ghost pillows look wonderful! The cooling design is perfect for this time of the year too! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  17. Some day I hope to win these pillows to help relive the stress caused by my masterbation habbit. It’s not per its squirt.

  18. Thanks for this great prize – I am very excited at the chance to be your winner and have a restful place to lay my head for a good nights rest.

  19. I am having hard time sleeping with my current pillow so would really appreciate new pillows ❤️

  20. I’m a toss & turner and my pillow ends up on the floor. This one would seem to give my head the right position and would stay on the bed.

  21. We live in Florida, and even with the a/c & ceiling fan going we still get hot. I get so tired of waking up & flipping my pillow over at because it’s too warm. This would be such a pleasure.

  22. I am SUCH a loser when it comes to picking pillows! Never tried the GHOST pillow – this could give me some good sleep. Ahh! What a fantastic thought. I always sleep so hot, too – need cooling!

  23. This sounds like exactly what I need! I don’t have any trouble falling asleep, but I’ve been waking between 2:30 and 3:30 every night for about 12 years now (yeah, really!) 🙁 and nothing that I’ve tried makes a difference including medication. These pillows sound wonderful.

  24. A pillow that stays cool sounds like heaven! My husband and I would LOVE to try these. Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂

  25. I love the IDEA of Cooling Technology for pillows! Thank you for this generous & educational giveaway!

  26. I am always on the lookout for a better pillow and this one looks really good. Texas is a hot place to sleep so cooling technology is definitely of interest.

  27. These pillows look so comfortable. I have trouble finding pillows that help me sleep and get comfortable.

  28. After waking up with a migraine today, I decided I need new pillows. It’s either my head or my neck hurting every morning. I found this review very helpful.

  29. I have always loved the pillows at Hyatt and Hilton hotels and wondered what brand they were. I would love to win a pair of these pillows.

  30. I’m always looking for a great pillow. So many pillows are too hard or too soft or too hot or lumpy or hold your neck at a terrible angle. It would be wonderful to find pillows I just love!

  31. A good pillow is vital to a good night’s sleep. These pillows look to be comfortable & helpful for a restful night.

  32. would love a good pillow..get that right and then will go for a mattress. there has to be something about sleeping more than 3 hrs a night@! thank you very much, appreciated.

  33. These pillows look great! I get hot when I am sleeping so these woiuld be helpful and look comfortable as well.

  34. Would love to win these, they seem like they would be heavenly and I would love to be able to sleep on them 🙂 Thank you for this opportunity!

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